


























问题十二:在确定船舶在卸货港交货数量时,怎样考量船舶经验系数(Vessel’s Experience Factor, VEF)?












2、对我国生效的国际规则之一:SOLAS附件之一:国际谷物规则(International Grain Code)



5、未对我国生效的国际条约之一:United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea(2008年鹿特丹规则)

6、未对我国生效的国际条约之二:United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea(1978年汉堡规则)

7、未对我国生效的国际条约之三:Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading(1968年海牙-维斯比规则)







4、技术操作规程之一:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 水尺计重》

5、技术操作规程之二:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 液体产品静态计重》

6、技术操作规程之三:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 流量计计重》

7、技术操作规程之四:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 衡器鉴重》

8、技术操作规程之五:《原油和石油产品转运责任 – 船上货量和余留在船上原油量的估算方法》

9、技术操作规程之六:《进出口商品容器计重规程 – 第2部分:动植物油岸上立式金属罐静态计重》

















5.1海上货物运输合同项下货损货差的举证和认定 – 德清县新市油厂诉巴拿马蒂哪枚克凯奥有限公司海上货物运输合同货损货差案(赵红主编《上海海事法院三十年案例精选》案例23)















1、英国判例法之一:The “Irini M” (1988) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 253

2、英国判例法之二:The “George S” (1989) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 369

3、英国判例法之三:The “Destro” (1927) 29 Lloyd’s Rep. 133


提单  货差  法律规范系统





【1.1.1】第七十一条 提单,是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接收或者装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证。提单中载明的向记名人交付货物,或者按照指示人的指示交付货物,或者向提单持有人交付货物的条款,构成承运人据以交付货物的保证。

【1.1.2】第七十五条 承运人或者代其签发提单的人,知道或者有合理的根据怀疑提单记载的货物的品名、标志、包数或者件数、重量或者体积与实际接收的货物不符,在签发已装船提单的情况下怀疑与已装船的货物不符,或者没有适当的方法核对提单记载的,可以在提单上批注,说明不符之处、怀疑的根据或者说明无法核对。

【1.1.3】第七十六条 承运人或者代其签发提单的人未在提单上批注货物表面状况的,视为货物的表面状况良好。

【1.1.4】第七十七条 除依照本法第七十五条的规定作出保留外,承运人或者代其签发提单的人签发的提单,是承运人已经按照提单所载状况收到货物或者货物已经装船的初步证据;承运人向善意受让提单的包括收货人在内的第三人提出的与提单所载状况不同的证据,不予承认。

【1.1.5】第七十八条第一款 承运人同收货人、提单持有人之间的权利、义务关系,依据提单的规定确定。

【1.1.6】第四十六条 承运人对集装箱装运的货物的责任期间,是指从装货港接收货物时起至卸货港交付货物时止,货物处于承运人掌管之下的全部期间。承运人对非集装箱装运的货物的责任期间,是指从货物装上船时起至卸下船时止,货物处于承运人掌管之下的全部期间。在承运人的责任期间,货物发生灭失或者损坏,除本节另有规定外,承运人应当负赔偿责任。


【1.1.7】第五十一条 在责任期间货物发生的灭失或者损坏是由于下列原因之一造成的,承运人不负赔偿责任:
















【1.2.1】第三条 商检机构和经国家商检部门许可的检验机构,依法对进出口商品实施检验。

【1.2.2】第四条 进出口商品检验应当根据保护人类健康和安全、保护动物或者植物的生命和健康、保护环境、防止欺诈行为、维护国家安全的原则,由国家商检部门制定、调整必须实施检验的进出口商品目录(以下简称目录)并公布实施。

【1.2.3】第七条 列入目录的进出口商品,按照国家技术规范的强制性要求进行检验;尚未制定国家技术规范的强制性要求的,应当依法及时制定,未制定之前,可以参照国家商检部门指定的国外有关标准进行检验。

【1.2.4】第十二条 本法规定必须经商检机构检验的进口商品的收货人或者其代理人,应当在商检机构规定的地点和期限内,接受商检机构对进口商品的检验。商检机构应当在国家商检部门统一规定的期限内检验完毕,并出具检验证单。

【1.2.5】第十三条 本法规定必须经商检机构检验的进口商品以外的进口商品的收货人,发现进口商品质量不合格或者残损短缺,需要由商检机构出证索赔的,应当向商检机构申请检验出证。















2.5未对我国生效的国际条约之一:United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea(2008年鹿特丹规则)

Chapter 4

Obligations of the Carrier

Article 11

Carriage and delivery of the goods

The carrier shall, subject to this Convention and in accordance with the terms of the contract of carriage, carry the goods to the place of destination and deliver them to the consignee.

Article 12

Period of responsibility of the carrier

1.The period of responsibility of the carrier for the goods under this Convention begins when the carrier or a performing party receives the goods for carriage and ends when the goods are delivered.

2.(a)If the law or regulations of the place of receipt require the goods to be handed over to an authority or other third party from which the carrier may collect them, the period of responsibility of the carrier begins when the carrier collects the goods from the authority or other third party.

(b)If the law or regulations of the place of delivery require the carrier to hand over the goods to an authority or other third party from which the consignee may collect them, the period of responsibility of the carrier ends when the carrier hands the goods over to the authority or other third party.

3.For the purpose of determining the carrier’s period of responsibility, the parties may agree on the time and location of receipt and delivery of the goods, but a provision in a contract of carriage is void to the extent that it provides that:

(a)  The time of receipt of the goods is subsequent to the beginning of their initial loading under the contract of carriage; or

(b)The time of delivery of the goods is prior to the completion of their final unloading under the contract of carriage.

Article 13

Specific obligations

1.The carrier shall during the period of its responsibility as defined in article 12, and subject to article 26, properly and carefully receive, load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for, unload and deliver the goods.

2.Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this article, and without prejudice to the other provisions in chapter 4 and to chapters 5 to 7, the carrier and the shipper may agree that the loading, handling, stowing or unloading of the goods is to be performed by the shipper, the documentary shipper or the consignee. Such an agreement shall be referred to in the contract particulars.

Article 14

Specific obligations applicable to the voyage by sea

The carrier is bound before, at the beginning of, and during the voyage by sea to exercise due diligence to:

(a)Make and keep the ship seaworthy;

(b)Properly crew, equip and supply the ship and keep the ship so crewed, equipped and supplied throughout the voyage; and

(c)Make and keep the holds and all other parts of the ship in which the goods are carried, and any containers supplied by the carrier in or upon which the goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation.


Chapter 5

Liability of the carrier for loss, damage or delay

 Article 17

Basis of liability

1.The carrier is liable for loss of or damage to the goods, as well as for delay in delivery, if the claimant proves that the loss, damage, or delay, or the event or circumstance that caused or contributed to it took place during the period of the carrier’s responsibility as defined in chapter 4.

2.The carrier is relieved of all or part of its liability pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article if it proves that the cause or one of the causes of the loss, damage, or delay is not attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 18.

3.The carrier is also relieved of all or part of its liability pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article if, alternatively to proving the absence of fault as provided in paragraph 2 of this article, it proves that one or more of the following events or circumstances caused or contributed to the loss, damage, or delay:

 created by governments, public authorities, rulers, or people including detention, arrest, or seizure not attributable to the carrier or any person referred to in article 18;

(e)Strikes, lockouts, stoppages, or restraints of labour;

(f)Fire on the ship;

(g)Latent defects not discoverable by due diligence;

(h)Act or omission of the shipper, the documentary shipper, the controlling party, or any other person for whose acts the shipper or the documentary shipper is liable pursuant to article 33 or 34;

(i)Loading, handling, stowing, or unloading of the goods performed pursuant to an agreement in accordance with article 13, paragraph 2, unless the carrier or a performing party performs such activity on behalf of the shipper, the documentary shipper or the consignee;

(j)Wastage in bulk or weight or any other loss or damage arising from inherent defect, quality, or vice of the goods;

(k)Insufficiency or defective condition of packing or marking not performed by or on behalf of the carrier;

(l)Saving or attempting to save life at sea;

(m)Reasonable measures to save or attempt to save property at sea;

(n)Reasonable measures to avoid or attempt to avoid damage to the environment; or

(o)Acts of the carrier in pursuance of the powers conferred by articles 15 and 16.

4.Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of this article, the carrier is liable for all or part of the loss, damage, or delay:  

(a)  If the claimant proves that the fault of the carrier or of a person referred to in article 18 caused or contributed to the event or circumstance on which the carrier relies; or

(b)  If the claimant proves that an event or circumstance not listed in paragraph 3 of this article contributed to the loss, damage, or delay, and the carrier cannot prove that this event or circumstance is not attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 18.

5.The carrier is also liable, notwithstanding paragraph 3 of this article, for all or part of the loss, damage, or delay if:

(a)The claimant proves that the loss, damage, or delay was or was probably caused by or contributed to by (i) the unseaworthiness of the ship; (ii) the improper crewing, equipping, and supplying of the ship; or (iii) the fact that the holds or other parts of the ship in which the goods are carried, or any containers supplied by the carrier in or upon which the goods are carried, were not fit and safe for reception, carriage, and preservation of the goods; and

(b)The carrier is unable to prove either that: (i) none of the events or circumstances referred to in subparagraph 5 (a) of this article caused the loss, damage, or delay; or (ii) it complied with its obligation to exercise due diligence pursuant to article 14.

6.When the carrier is relieved of part of its liability pursuant to this article, the carrier is liable only for that part of the loss, damage or delay that is attributable to the event or circumstance for which it is liable pursuant to this article.

2.6未对我国生效的国际条约之二:United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea(1978年汉堡规则)


Article 4.  Period of responsibility

1. The responsibility of the carrier for the goods under this Convention covers the period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods at the port of loading, during the carriage and at the port of discharge.

2. For the purpose of paragraph 1 of this article, the carrier is deemed to be in charge of the goods

(a) from the time he has taken over the goods from:

(i) the shipper, or a person acting on his behalf; or

(ii) an authority or other third party to whom, pursuant to law or regulations applicable at the port of loading, the goods must be handed over for shipment;

(b) until the time he has delivered the goods:

(i) by handing over the goods to the consignee; or

(ii) in cases where the consignee does not receive the goods from the carrier, by placing them at the disposal of the consignee in accordance with the contract or with the law or with the usage of the particular trade, applicable at the port of discharge; or

(iii) by handing over the goods to an authority or other third party to whom, pursuant to law or regulations applicable at the port of discharge, the goods must be handed over.

3. In paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, reference to the carrier or to the consignee means, in addition to the carrier or the consignee, the servants or agents, respectively of the carrier or the consignee.

Article 5. Basis of liability

1. The carrier is liable for loss resulting from loss of or damage to the goods, as well as from delay in delivery, if the occurrence which caused the loss, damage or delay took place while the goods were in his charge as defined in article 4, unless the carrier proves that he, his servants or agents took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the occurrence and its consequences.

7. Where fault or neglect on the part of the carrier, his servants or agents combines with another cause to produce loss, damage or delay in delivery, the carrier is liable only to the extent that the loss, damage or delay in delivery is attributable to such fault or neglect, provided that the carrier proves the amount of the loss, damage or delay in delivery not attributable thereto.

2.7未对我国生效的国际条约之三:Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading(1968年海牙-维斯比规则)

Article III

Responsibilities and Liabilities

1. The carrier shall be bound, before and at the beginning of the voyage, to exercise due diligence to

(a) make the ship seaworthy;

(b) properly man, equip and supply the ship;

(c) make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation.

2. Subject to the provisions of Article IV, the carrier shall properly and carefully load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for and discharge the goods carried.

3. After receiving the goods into his charge, the carrier, or the master or agent of the carrier, shall, on demand of the shipper, issue to the shipper a bill of lading showing among other things

(a) the leading marks necessary for identification of the goods as the same are furnished in writing by the shipper before the loading of such goods starts, provided such marks are stamped or otherwise shown clearly upon the goods if uncovered, or on the cases or coverings in which such goods are contained, in such a manner as should ordinarily remain legible until the end of the voyage;

(b) either the number of packages or pieces, or the quantity, or weight, as the case may be, as furnished in writing by the shipper;

(c) the apparent order and condition of the goods:

Provided that no carrier, master or agent of the carrier shall be bound to state or show in the bill of lading any marks, number, quantity, or weight which he has reasonable ground for suspecting not accurately to represent the goods actually received or which he has had no reasonable means of checking.

4. Such a bill of lading shall be prima facie evidence of the receipt by the carrier of the goods as therein described in accordance with paragraphs 3(a), (b) and (c).

However, proof to the contrary shall not be admissible when the bill of lading has been transferred to a third party acting in good faith.

Article IV

Rights and Immunities

1. Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be liable for loss or damage arising or resulting from unseaworthiness unless caused by want of due diligence on the part of the carrier to make the ship seaworthy, and to secure that the ship is properly manned, equipped and supplied, and to make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article III.

Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness, the burden of proving the exercise of due diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption under this article.

2. Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from

(a) act, neglect, or default of the master, mariner, pilot or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship;

(b) fire, unless caused by the actual fault or privity of the carrier;

(c) perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters;

(d) act of God;

(e) act of war;

(f) act of public enemies;

(g) arrest or restraint of princes, rulers or people, or seizure under legal process;

(h) quarantine restrictions;

(i) act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods, his agent or representative;

(j) strikes or lock-outs or stoppage or restraint of labour from whatever cause, whether partial or general;

(k) riots and civil commotions;

(l) saving or attempting to save life or property at sea;

(m) wastage in bulk or weight or any other loss or damage arising from inherent defect, quality or vice of the goods;

(n) insufficiency of packing;

(o) insufficiency or inadequacy of marks;

(p) latent defects not discoverable by due diligence;

(q) any other cause arising without the actual fault and privity of the carrier, or without the fault or neglect of the agents or servants of the carrier, but the burden of proof shall be on the person claiming the benefit of this exception to show that neither the actual fault or privity of the carrier nor the fault or neglect of the agents or servants of the carrier contributed to the loss or damage.




【3.1.1】第四条第一款 出入境检验检疫机构对列入目录的进出口商品以及法律、行政法规规定须经出入境检验检疫机构检验的其他进出口商品实施检验(以下称法定检验)。

【3.1.2】第七条第一款和第二款 法定检验的进出口商品,由出入境检验检疫机构依照商检法第七条规定实施检验。


【3.1.3】第九条 出入境检验检疫机构对进出口商品实施检验的内容,包括是否符合安全、卫生、健康、环境保护、防止欺诈等要求以及相关的品质、数量、重量等项目。

【3.1.4】第十六条第一款 法定检验的进口商品的收货人应当持合同、发票、装箱单、提单等必要的凭证和相关批准文件,向海关报关地的出入境检验检疫机构报检;海关放行后20日内,收货人应当依照本条例第十八条的规定,向出入境检验检疫机构申请检验。法定检验的进口商品未经检验的,不准销售,不准使用。

【3.1.5】第二十条第三款 法定检验以外的进口商品的收货人,发现进口商品质量不合格或者残损、短缺,申请出证的,出入境检验检疫机构或者其他检验机构应当在检验后及时出证。






【3.3.1】第五条  检验检疫机构根据需要对有残损的下列进口商品实施残损检验鉴定:









【3.3.2】第十三条 检验检疫机构按国家技术规范的强制性要求实施残损检验鉴定。尚未制订规范、标准的可以参照国外有关技术规范、标准检验。


3.4技术操作规程之一:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 水尺计重》


3.5技术操作规程之二:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 液体产品静态计重》


3.6技术操作规程之三:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 流量计计重》


3.7技术操作规程之四:《进出口商品重量鉴定规程 – 衡器鉴重》


3.8技术操作规程之五:《原油和石油产品转运责任 – 船上货量和余留在船上原油量的估算方法》


3.9技术操作规程之六:《进出口商品容器计重规程 – 第2部分:动植物油岸上立式金属罐静态计重》


















附:天津市高级人民法院关于南京石油运输有限公司与华泰财产保险股份有限公司石家庄分公司海上货物运输保险代位求偿一案有关适用法律问题的请示报告(2005年9月15日 津高法[2005]170号)(略)












